Niwaki Kenzan Flower Frog, set of 4 minis

Niwaki Kenzan Flower Frog, Medium

Niwaki Kenzan Flower Frog, Small

Niwaki Kenzan Flower Frog, Large

Niwaki Forged Snips

Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbageware Bowl, 12 cm
£12.00 Currently Unavailable

Bordallo Pinheiro Buttercup Flower Bowl, Yellow

Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbageware Bowl, 15 cm

Bordallo Pinheiro Daisy Flower Bowl

Bordallo Pinheiro Cosmos Flower Bowl

Bordallo Pinheiro Dahlia Flower Bowl

Bordallo Pinheiro Anemone Flower Bowl, Celadon

Bordallo Pinheiro Anemone Flower Bowl, Coral

Bordallo Pinheiro Buttercup Flower Bowl, Celadon

Bordallo Pinheiro Anemone Flower Bowl, Yellow

Niwaki Kenzan Flower Frog, Rectangular

Niwaki Mainichi Snips

Bordallo Pinheiro Buttercup Flower Bowl, Coral

Niwaki Higurashi Snips

Bordallo Pinheiro Anemone Flower Bowl, Sky Blue

Niwaki Higurashi Scissors

Bordallo Pinheiro Buttercup Flower Bowl, Sky Blue

Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbageware Bowl, 17.5 cm

Niwaki Sakagen Flower Scissors, Yellow
Advice & Inspiration

Simple Seed Sowing
Starting from seed, you can fill your garden with flowers, fruit, and vegetables with minimal equipment and a modest outlay. If you're unsure how and when to begin, I've distilled all the basics into this guide.
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Your Garden In March
Although winter’s icy fingers cling to March, their grip weakens daily. It's time to complete pruning and tidying and move on to planting, feeding and sowing seeds. Read on to discover all the delights this pivotal month has to offer.
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How to Get the Most from Visiting a Plant Fair
Plant fairs aren't just for experienced gardeners and plant collectors; they warmly welcome everyone interested in gardening. If you've never been to one before, here are my top tips for getting the most from your experience. Believe me, you'll love it!
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