Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine Gift Box, Yellow/Green/Purple

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine Gift Box, Red/Ivory/Green

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine Gift Box, Magenta/Navy twist/Yellow

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Netting

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine, Green

Twool Prop it ‘n’ Crop it - Sweet Pea

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine, Mink

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine Gift Box, Green/Rust/Mink

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine, Yellow

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine, Green 35m

Twool Garden Twine, Lime Green

Twool Sustainable Wool Garden Twine, Purple

Twool Garden Twine, Rust

Twool Garden Twine, Red

Twool Sustainable Woolly Water Keeper

Twool Prop it ‘n’ Crop it - Climbing French Bean 'Blue Lake'


Grow Your Own Gardener's Gift Set

Greenhouse Gift Set with Extra Large Gloves

Greenhouse Gift Set with Large Gloves

Greenhouse Gift Set with Medium Gloves

Greenhouse Gift Set with Small Gloves
Advice & Inspiration

Your Garden In April
My handy guide to help you get the most from your garden between those pesky April showers.
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Simple Seed Sowing
Starting from seed, you can fill your garden with flowers, fruit, and vegetables with minimal equipment and a modest outlay. If you're unsure how and when to begin, I've distilled all the basics into this guide.
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Your Garden In March
Although winter’s icy fingers cling to March, their grip weakens daily. It's time to complete pruning and tidying and move on to planting, feeding and sowing seeds. Read on to discover all the delights this pivotal month has to offer.
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